Sunday, June 1, 2008


Our two week stent here in Esteli is essentially over. The smiling kids and the fun times in the stinky room (imagine 10 smelly people in a small room watching independence day) become part of a memory. What I can take back from this experience is nothing truly new. What I can take back is knowing that in my short stent here in Esteli is this.

1. I helped lighten the load for a organization that, despite some of the downfalls, takes care of the special needs kids in Nicaragua.

2. I learned that our ´essentials´in the West may never really be an essential when you compare it to the people here and across the globe. They survive without many things here, and life still goes on without the laptop, the ipod, the annual dose of pizza and burgers.

3. What we take for granted in the West, maybe be an essential here.

Also, what must not be looked at is if we fixed a problem. What must be looked at, for me, is an alleviation of worries, an alleviation of worries that someone´s child wont be educated, no food available and so on.

Im not trying to be pessimistic, Im not trying to doubt the will of God or the will of the people. But we must focus on Christ, His will and His way.

We must be the Radical, the Crazy, the Ghandi, the Mother Theresa, the Scipio Africanus, the Giver and the Taker, all for Christ.

We leave for Guanacaste Santa Lucia tomorrow...
Pray for this next challenge of home stays...



1 comment:

Unknown said...

jonathan - when you can, asap. love you!